11 MINUTES TO LAX This is the story of the ultimate terrorist plot that had to be stopped by two unlikely heroes. Rasheed Zamier is a former successful Corporate Lawyer. Daniel Anthony is a F.B.I. Agent. Together they tracked a foe who no one knew or had seen. Rasheed’s way of life changed with 911. After meeting Daniel Anthony he became involved in one of the more bizarre investigations in the history of the F.B.I. The story begins it’s twist and turns when Rasheed ask an audience filled with security experts, who is the most dangerous terrorist in the world? And all their guesses were wrong. From Jakarta Indonesia to Santa Marta Columbia, to Alberta Canada this deadly triangle points to one thing, a date with destiny for the city of the Angels. A Dirty Bomb is the “Poor Man’s Nuclear Weapon.” Both men knew that Detonation of this device cannot happen under any circumstances. If Rasheed and Daniel figure out that 11 Minutes to LAX is not the time it takes to get to the airport from the 105 or the 405 freeway, Los Angeles has a future, otherwise the city of Angels fate would depend on the Santa Ana winds.