The reign of Dr. Jaxon King, famous televangelist, comes to a scandalous end when the media exposes him as a fraud despite his very real healing power. Now a failure at everything including ending his own life, Jaxon finds himself on the streets. After months of nonstop drinking and living in a cardboard box, Jaxon decides the only thing left to him is to discover his identity by seeking his birth mother. Locating her in a convent, he is shocked to discover his conception was the result of a scientific experiment designed by Dr. Niklas Fleischer, a specialist in the field of genetics working in the death camps under the supervision of Hitler.
With money from his mother’s trust, Jaxon departs for Germany where he encounters the love of his life, Anne, Dr. Fleischer’s daughter. Anne reveals that her father kept a journal where he recorded all scientific findings, including the details of the experiments concerning Jaxon which were coded Genesis. Jaxon and Anne as well as Father Huberman soon find themselves in a race with her father’s old nemesis whose only goal is to obtain the journal and destroy all evidence of Dr. Fleischer’s participation in the experiment, in order to claim the success of the experiment as his own. The Vatican is advised of the presence of a viable Genesis and joins the race to gain access to Jaxon. Jaxon’s only protection, Father Huberman, is drawn to Rome by the assassination of the pope, leaving Jaxon and Anne vulnerable.
Priests are gunned down, old lovers decapitated, the pope is assassinated, and in the middle of the chaos, Jaxon discovers the information he is seeking. He realizes what he discovers will not only affect his future but will change how the world perceives life and death if the information is allowed to leak out.