Hearing the Angels Sing is a wonderfully inspiring book. Peter Sterling, in telling his uplifting story of encountering the angels and being shown his destiny as one of God's harpists, encourages readers to open to the deeper dimensions of life for themselves. There is authentic humility in suggesting that if the author seeks and receives such profound guidance from the angels, anyone can do it. In writing so openly and courageously about his life, Peter demonstrates the commitment required to work with angels as well as the rich spiritual rewards of finding one's true path. In a troubled world, reuniting with the angels is becoming a potent way for people to reconnect and reclaim their spiritual essences. Peter's exquisite Harp Magic provides a portal through which the reality of the angels can be felt and experienced. One of the pleasures of reading his book is following the author's trail of synchronicities and angelic guidance through the challenges, distractions, revelations, and obstacles to emerge as a world-class harpist in service to the angels. It is exhilarating and deeply encouraging to learn how intimately and creatively the angels can interact with our lives if we just let them.
Hearing the Angels Sing is a must-read for anyone drawn to the angels, and for those who already know what a salve Peter's music is to the souls of the openhearted and the spiritually minded, the book will yet further deepen your enjoyment of Harp Magic.
—Timothy Wyllie Author of Dolphins, ETs & Angels, The Return of the Rebel Angels, and coauthor of Ask Your Angels