The Cape Town Commitment, which arose from The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization (Cape Town, 2010), stands in the historic line of The Lausanne Covenant (1974) and The Manila Manifesto (1989). It has been translated into twenty-five languages and has commanded wide acceptance around the world. The Commitment is set in two parts. Part 1 is a Confession of Faith, crafted in the language of covenantal love. Part 2 is a Call to Action. The local church, mission agencies, special-interest groups, and Christians in the professions are all urged to find their place in its outworking. This annotated bibliography of The Cape Town Commitment, arranged by topic, has been compiled by specialists in a range of fields. As such, it is the first bibliography of its kind. - Arranged in sections for graduate-level teaching - Equally useful for research students "Darrell Bock has produced another significant volume, which will be now and in the future a standard exposition of The Cape Town Commitment of the Third Lausanne Congress 2010, a historic confession of evangelical and biblical faith and a call to action for the entire Christian community in the twenty-first century. His timely work will be greatly appreciated as a textbook for theological training and a ministry guide for all those who are committed to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ." --Sang-Bok David Kim, President, Torch Trinity Graduate University, Seoul, Korea "This is an extraordinarily important resource for the global evangelical church. It provides a wealth of material in support of The Cape Town Commitment, which itself epitomizes the very best of twenty-first-century evangelical thought and devotion. No question--these two items together belong in every seminary and Bible college curriculum and in every evangelical church library in the world." --Samuel Logan, International Director, The World Reformed Fellowship "Every reader will be pleasantly surprised and grateful to find extensive resources they never knew about. The Cape Town Commitment unites the voices of evangelical leaders from 198 nations. So as new editions emerge, I am confident that the editors and publisher will be keen to include even more works from the non-western world. This is a hugely welcome start to an ongoing international collaborative process." --Christopher J. H. Wright, International Ministries Director, Langham Partnership "This piece of work combines theological competence and dedication. It is a gem even for seasoned theological teachers like me, and for all those who wish to deepen their evangelical faith, this will prove to be extremely useful." --Carver Yu, President, China Graduate School of Theology Darrell Bock (PhD, Aberdeen University) is the former President of the Evangelical Theological Society and the author of several books. He is Research Professor of New Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary.