Freshman Year - The Missing Chapters: Chuck: For years, fans of Archie Comics have wondered what happened in the years before the fabled teens of Riverdale entered high school. How did everyone meet? Were the teachers always at the high school? Did all of Archie's friends always live in Riverdale? Just when did the "eternal love triangle" first start? In the "Freshman Year" saga, originally presented in the pages of ARCHIE #587-591, readers finally learned the back-story behind Riverdale's fabled cast of characters. But that wasn't the whole story! In this follow-up series of stories, writer Batton Lash fills in the blanks, giving readers an even bigger glimpse of what went on with Jughead, Betty & Veronica, Reggie, Chuck, and Pencilneck G. In this story, Chuck's cartoons of the past come back to haunt him when word gets back to him that a tough kid took exception to Chuck's none-too-flattering caricatures. The subject of Chuck's doodles isn't happy about being "dissed" and has held a grudge for three years! Now Chuck must look back at the copious comics he did in freshman year to see what he did to diss his classmate!