Momma Loves You is a great way to include the entire family in knowing and sharing the gospel message. It is a perfect bedtime story for the whole family using something as familiar and powerful as a mother’s love to share the love of Jesus. Children are often comforted by the love of their parents; Momma Loves You expresses God’s unconditional love through the simplistic message that “Momma loves you, but not more than Jesus.” The unique song that is woven throughout the book will teach that Jesus is the Creator and Maker of all of us, and we need to make Him our Lord. Writer and illustrator Katie Jo Hook sang this song to her children for years. The truth of the gospel is simple yet powerful. After seeing the Lord use music and the Word to speak to her children, she has realized the need for empowering families to start early to pray with their children and to tell them about the saving grace of Jesus. Children need to know the gospel message at an early age and be able to tell others about Jesus. We are all called to share what Christ has done in our lives. The age of a child should not hinder him or her from truly serving the Lord. Momma Loves You is a compelling and sweet picture of the Savior’s love for us. Being honest with ourselves, others, and our Lord is very important. We are all sinners, and we need a Savior. Jesus not only wants us to train up our children in the ways of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6), He also wants us all to make Him the Lord of our lives!