Do you feel that something is holding you back? Do you realize it could be you, unaware that old resentments are blocking you from the fullness of your being? Heart-Healing: The Power of Forgiveness and Letting Go teaches you how to put compassion and unconditional love into action in a practical, easy and lasting way. Susyn Reeve explores the many areas of our lives where forgiveness is needed. Some of these topics get right to the core of your inner self, addressing life challenges; others may be surprising, and many may have gone unnoticed in your life - until now. Within this book, you will find great opportunities for real and transformational growth. Each chapter includes stories, exercises, and affirmations to help free you from any resentment and anger you may be holding towards yourself or others. This “psychological clutter” of old resentments and grudges can canker the soul; hatred and anger blocks love and light. And that holds you back. Susyn Reeve, an interfaith minister who apprenticed under Don Miguel Ruiz, takes readers through a process of heart-healing: looking at old grievances and wounds, childhood programming, memories of being bullied, relationships with family, friends, break-ups and divorces, betrayal and work issues, and all of these events which bruise us in our day-to-day life. She also addresses pain and sadness caused by global issues and crises that effect our community. Reeve shares her own 9/11 story and how that galvanized her to help others. Written in her wise and warm trademark style, Reeve’s book is an insightful, inspiring, refreshingly honest, and practical guide to living a life of contentment, connection and long-overdue joy. The helpful and hopeful advice and practices on these pages add up to a transformative journey to peace of mind and whole-heartedness. Susyn does not gloss over life’s pain and struggles but shows us how to use them to embrace new perspectives and possibilities.