In Book Two of the Keltian’s Warriors Series, the story unfolds with the five young survivors from Book One, who are united against an alien threat to Earth. They have acquired amazing abilities granted them by a friendly Keltian visitor from a distant galaxy.
Unexpected difficulties arise for the young Keltian’s Warriors, as a new survivor joins their group, an adult, who seeks to take over control. Discovering that this involves mixed blessings, the survivors also face additional threats, even while boosting their chances of survival.
As they explore, the survivors cross paths with an alien hybrid, setting off the exploration of a previously undiscovered scientific military bunker. In the midst of forming a bond between the hybrid and the survivors, the burning question arises: Can this hybrid be the ultimate answer to wiping out the Reficulians once and for all?
What capabilities does the hybrid have that could boost their chances of success against the Reficulians? What transformation occurs with the hybrid, solidifying his bond with the survivors?
(About the Author)