Daniel White, a former high ranking government director and covert operative, discovers he has acquired an exceptional gift after suffering a devastating accident. His close friend, mentor and confident, Xi (Chi) Xeng (Cheng), teaches Daniel how to master this newly attained talent. Along with two other close associates, Dainan and Mamoru who also have this unique ability, agree to join Daniel in combating terrorism in the Middle East, namely ISIS jihadist.
President Michael Stanford sanctions Daniel for special operations, not completely understanding how Daniel gathers intelligence and who his team members are. The covert team has the capability to kill ISIS leaders and destroy their logistics supplies without any collateral damage or coalition forces being in harms way. ISIS commanders and hundreds of their militia are mysteriously assassinated. The terrorist hierarchy are dumfounded as to who these assassins are and how they have penetrated their organization.
Having experienced overwhelming success, Daniel and his team of assassins launch a top secret clandestine strategy, which erupts into a bloody war between two of the most deviant terrorist organizations on the planet.