Planning to vote for a Democrat? A Republican? A third-party candidate? Or are you not planning on voting at all?
If you’re in any of those categories and believe something major is wrong with this country that needs fixing, this book is for you.
For the first time, democracy’s greatest threat, the Anti-Social Politician, is placed under a microscope. These ASPs constitute a small branch of politicians who care not a whit for the well-being of the country or its citizens, but they use the freedoms afforded by our Constitution to get away with all manner of crimes, including murder. They are family-breakers, law-breakers, church-breakers, and country-breakers. They can be either Democrats or Republicans.
Before now, they’ve been hard to identify, but in Stopping Snakes, long-time political activist and observer H.B. Glushakow brings a scientific approach to the problem of detecting them: a simple test that roots them out based on observations of five thousand years worth of the world’s greatest thinkers. It can be used by anyone to assess would-be officeholders at all levels of government.
The beauty of this test is that it does not tell you whom to vote for. Instead, it gives you certainty on whom you’d better NOT vote for. Politicians will never be perfect, but by using this test you can ensure that whoever you choose to lead us will do so honorably and not blow up the entire show.
This truly American solution provides certainty for the best path forward, no matter which side of the aisle you sit. Use it to rally the voters.