Life’s tragic moments can definitely leave an enormous impact on someone’s life, and giving up seems to be the best choice, but even the worst of times can be a stepping-stone toward something great. It’s a matter of how you face your trials and apply it to whatever you do best in life and keep working on it. When you face your trials positively, blessings will surely come. It’s not a matter of when, but it’s the attitude itself that creates a bundle of joy around you. Being patient, determined, and willing are the keys to getting there, but life is also worthless without the power of faith. Believing in something bigger than yourself is your biggest ally in life, and it makes all the difference every single day, and don’t ever be discouraged during the early disappointments, because it’s part of the long process that’ll eventually become your biggest success in life. Everything is based on comparison, and every demand from your trials can always be turned as your work ethic later on. It’s the inspiration that was gained from the fight that’ll motivate you to get better and better with whatever your passion is in life. Always be inspired in every trial you face, for these are stepping-stones for a higher purpose.