Kyven & Grayce’s story...
Everyone fears the King of the Fae. Kyven is known as a fierce and powerful ruler, and now he desires to take me as his queen. Humans and Fae have been enemies for centuries. So when King Kyven asks my brother--the King--for my hand, to create an alliance, I can hardly refuse. Kyven claims I’m his Fated One--his A’lyra. He does not just want my hand, he wants my heart. The Fae King is far from what I expected, and I find myself drawn to him in ways that I do not fully understand. But I’ve been hurt before and, despite what I feel, I’m afraid to trust him with my heart. Kyven carries a dark secret, and I am determined to find out what it is. Now I find myself wondering: What does it mean to be Taken by the Fae King? **Each book in the Of Fate and Kings series can be read as a standalone romance, but it is recommended to read them in order to enhance the reading experience.**