Akansha Madan is an ordinary girl from the industrial city of Rudrapur, Uttrakhand. She has pursued her MBA degree in Human Resource and Marketing from AKTU, Lucknow. She has also worked as an HR assistant for a few months but left because of her inner drive to write her first novel. She is fond of reading novels and storybooks. She also has a wonderful collection of famous authors. All this led to writing her first novel But Nothing Changed.
Akansha believes to live life with full enjoyment and happiness without regrets. She has faced a lot of odd and good experiences in her life but still tries to be perfect in everything she does because ’Perfection’ is her "Life Mantra." She believes in collecting moments not things, and she enjoys every moment of life as its last. Writing a novel was always her dream that she worked towards it and made it come true. She believes people must dream and act towards achieving it.