KORAK DAY is an award-winning Screenplay-Writer, Director and Producer of the film MY KARMA. He is also an Ex. Military Officer, Recording Artist, who has created 90+ Songs, a trained Actor and the Founder & CEO of SATWIK HUMANE (Entertainment and Beyond) and also of a not-for-profit Aamar Nijer My Own Inc. registered in NY, USA. His first published book was WHEN I VISITED EARTH. He seeks your encourgements for this book.
Since 1996 he has been serving humanity 24-7 in and around Kolkata, INDIA thus fulfilling his seven missions for humanity. He has a few documentaries made on his works with testimonials by people and media from all over the world. His present works include making the elderly, mentally challenged destitute-women and parentless-children his selfless-family members while making books, films, songs, etc. to earn for the work. Visit www.korakdayfilms. com to get a preview of his seven missions, the works done and being done. Mail to korakdayfilms@gmail. com to reach him to be a Patron of his works of Art and Heart. 100% of the royalty of this book goes for Charity. https: //twitter.com/DayKorak https: //www.facebook.com/DayKorak https: //www.linkedin.com/in/korakday/