William J. Macauley Jr. is professor of English at the University of Nevada, Reno. His work has been published by several presses, including Utah State University Press, Heinemann Boynton/Cook, and Hampton Press, and in a number of journals including The Writing Lab Newsletter, Praxis: A Writing Center Journal, The International Journal of Engineering Education, and The American Biology Teacher. Macauley and Nicholas Mauriello won the 2007 IWCA Outstanding Book Award for their collection Marginal Words, Marginal Work? Tutoring the Academy in the Work of Writing Centers.
Leslie R. Anglesey is assistant professor of rhetoric and composition at Sam Houston State University. Her research interests include embodied approaches to composition theory and pedagogy, feminist rhetorics, and disability rhetorics. Brady Edwards holds master of arts degrees in English and American studies from the University of Nevada, Reno and Utah State University. He has published essays and reviews in The Peer Review, Southern Discourse in the Center, and The Journal of Popular Culture. Kathryn M. Lambrecht is assistant professor of technical communication at Arizona State University. Her work on interdisciplinary communication and education has been published in The Journal of Business and Technical Communication, The Journal of General Education, and The Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Phillip Lovas is an instructor in the Merritt Writing Program at the University of California, Merced. His research interests include professional and technical communication, workplace writing and genres, and discourse community theories.