美國獨立雜誌《KINFOLK》自2011年創刊至今,以低調純淨的美學風格,探討家居、生活、設計等面向議題。這本《Kinfolk Travel》是團隊製作的第一本「旅行」專書,書中不見走馬看花的行程,只有一種觀看世界的悠然慢步調。
系列專書印量近45萬份的《KINFOLK》是「慢生活」的先驅。此次由駐丹麥的主編John Burns領軍,團隊作家與攝影師團隊親臨現場蒐集素材、拍攝,以簡約風格的攝影及深度評析文章,及在地人叮嚀與建言,帶讀者走訪五大洲20多處地點。
Explore the art of mindful travel with Kinfolk, the pioneers in “slow living,” their philosophy of simplicity, authenticity, intentionality and community. With nearly 450,000 copies in print, the Kinfolk series has applied this philosophy to entertaining (The Kinfolk Table), interior design (The Kinfolk Home), and living with nature (The Kinfolk Garden). Now they have turned their attention to “slow travel,” offering readers a road map for planning trips that foster meaningful connections with local people and authentic experiences of local culture.
Go museum hopping in Tasmania, or birdwatching in London. Explore the burgeoning fashion community in Dakar. Take a bicycle tour through Idaho, or a train trip from Oslo to Bergen. Drawing on the magazine’s global community of writers and photographers, Kinfolk Travel takes readers to over 20 location across five continents, with travel tips from locals, stunning images, and thoughtful essays.