Samar is a young pure blooded boy living in the magical jungle with a one mechanically apocalypse virus infected person gifted by a god for during his raising time after a disaster happens on earth by unknown neighbour galaxy which have an eye on the planet for vanishing the human kind. Samar reveal some prophecy and move toward to turn it to truth after his gaurdian get dissapear and half of human left the planet earth for searching the new hapitable planet by the help of spacex space ship.
Islamic town- A place were old man send him & samar meet the princess there and going for searching a chronicle stone which placed by princess ancestors from last 1000s years in a tomb of the ocean and moving toward dark pyramid for return it to god before the monster crunzole wakes with his army of dead ancient soilders.
The city beyond the wall- Only space left from the ruined planet were the last human kind save and living after the dark day of distruction from whole planet earth some scientist make more safe after inventing a shield on the sky.
X Airforce captain shaan live there and helping samar to reach the spade crystal for making a proper cycle of all altar of earth by god and using against the army of the deadly alien vringon who wants to vanish human kind and take over Earth.