The volume, number, and year of each issue of Greasewood Tablettes is at the end of the article, and the author is listed at the beginning. Initially only articles from Greasewood Tablettes were to be included in 150 Years of Nevada Medicine, but to be complete we were compelled to include additional information. Also, articles not relevant to Nevada were eliminated.
Accordingly this endeavor will be a collection of GreasewoodTablettes’ articles grouped into eleven chapters: Medical Education, Medical Disciplines/Specialties, Hospitals, Frontier Military Medicine, Native American Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Diseases, The Hood Dynasty, 19th-Century Doctors, 20th-Century Doctors, and The Unusual.
The essays are unchanged from their original publication in Greasewood Tablettes except for three considerations. First, we deleted repeat information, although some repetition is necessary to maintain the integrity of the original essay. Second, the titles and some essays were edited to conform to a uniform design, but they still reflect the original content and subject matter. Third, new information is added to increase the scope and completeness of 150 YEARS OF NEVADA MEDICINE.