SOW GOOD SEEDS IN THE FIELD OF YOUR LIFE What is the best that you are capable of giving to the World? I have a simple answer to that question; the best that I can give to the World are good thoughts, good words, and good actions. When I offer the best that I can to this World, the best will come back to me! Therefore, my sixth practical suggestion is: sow good seeds in the field of your life! The law of the seed is also the profound law of karma, which is unique to Hindu philosophy. What is the law of the seed? Ask any farmer, ask any peasant, ask the simple village folk who live by the land -and they will tell you the law of seed: as you sow, so shall you reap. ’As you sow, so shall you reap?’ Each one of us has been given a plot -the field of our life. In this field of life, we are sowing seeds every day. Every thought I think, every word I utter, every deed I perform, every emotion that I arouse within my heart, every feeling, every fancy, every wish are the seeds I’m sowing in this field of life The law of Karma simply stated is the law of cause and effect. It is a scientific law. It is a universal law. It is built up of these two aspects - as you sow, so shall you reap -as you think, so you become. You cannot sow thorns and reap apples.