We see that some people are opulent and others are deprived, physically, mentally and spiritually.
All of us are born with certain qualities. These qualities can be changed, by our deeds for worse or better.
Tamasic knows what to do and what to refrain from; neither purity; nor right conduct, nor Truth is found in him.
These people lack in Rajasic; Sattavic and Divine qualities. Therefore, they are the members of the deprived society of the world. The world surrounding them can be changed by them alone.
The Suffering, like physical pain, is a warning sign that we have forgotten the lord. We should also show gratitude for His Miseries and meditate on Him to give us the strength to endure the suffering. contempt, so, if we do not remove ourselves from negative influences, familiarity may breed more complacency so that our natural moral instinct for self-preservation-our conscience- becomes dull.