Rhoyale Bleauhe’s second poetry compilation, "HALITE 2.17: Salt of the Earth", is an in depth look into the experiences that shape our existence. Sharing wisdom, insight into the cultural climate, tribulations, love, encouragement, moments of healing and clarity, brings this work together in what Bleauhe believes creates all that is fundamentally and unabashedly human. The name came about after realizing how important it was to Bleauhe to share her story by way of poetic selections. Halite is another name for salt, which is essential to the body’s function, with 2.17 being Halite’s relative density, as well as Bleauhe’s birth date and an integral number to the many transitions she’s faced in her lifetime. "HALITE 2.17: Salt of the Earth", the content essential to the essence of who Rhoyale Bleauhe was, is, and will be.