Everyone has a testimony. It is the most powerful and indestructible tool one can have to be able to share the amazing power of Jesus with others. Amanda Joy Harris’s story is one of abuse and trauma that caused her immense pain but sharing it with the world has helped her realize how the Lord’s presence remained near her during every fight.;but God: He is faithful in the midst of chaos is a book that offers healing to the hopeless, hurt, and lost. Amanda tells of her experiences with raw emotion and sincere vulnerability, highlighting the physical, sexual, and emotional abuse she endured for years by those who were close to her and supposed to love her. She silently tolerated this pain for a long time, but now her voice is being heard loudly and clearly so that others can muster the strength to keep moving forward. Your journey doesn’t end here because God has a plan that He has specially crafted for each of us. Amanda overcame her battles and accepted every ugly truth because she knows her scars played a role in shaping the woman she is today, and they are a symbol of her persistence and faithfulness. Acknowledging your past can set you free from the guilt, anguish, and anger you have been bottling in. Amanda Joy Harris is a child of God who hopes to continue to share His Word with those who need to hear it. She and her husband, Luke, who is her best friend, have four grown children together. Although she never considered herself to be a writer, God has given her this assignment, and she is grateful to be able to share her story.