In the unforgiving realm of adaptation, Michael is thrust into a world he never sought, where darkness reigns and adjustment is a cruel necessity. Death snatched away his former existence, leaving behind a twisted gift of immortality. As he grapples with the abyss of his newfound eternity, Michael unearths haunting revelations about his past life, fueling a ravenous hunger to reclaim what was stolen. But in the shadows lurks a merciless adversary, ready to unleash chaos and bloodshed. Brace yourself for a descent into the abyss, for this is the chilling saga of A Vampire’s Story. Sheldon Dottery was born and raised in Ann Arbor, MI, he spent his teenage years growing up in Jackson, MI. He loves to create new stories each day, whether it be in the form of lyrics, or scripts. "A Vampire’s Story" is his first official novel which came from a script he wrote back in college for a theater course in the year 2010, with new characters and story development the novel was born.