An Alien race genetically similar to Humans is dying and needs Earth’s help. Gravoid are coming with the hope of combining Alien and Human DNA to save their species but how can Earth aid an advances civilization millions of years older and 14 light-years away? As a last resort, Menea and Gelels will join a team of world-renowned doctors and scientists at a top-secret government research facility. Others have come as well. The "Greys" came to ensure the Gravoid race fades into oblivion and turn Earth into a feeding zone for their hungry offspring. A young astrophysicist and New York City detective will intervene and attempt the impossible, save the Gravoid and human races from extinction! Join Dr. Elizabeth Brennan in the "PROJECT SEED" Trilogy where you’ll experience the many wonders of the Universe, doing things you never thought possible and acquiring powers you never imagined existed...