B. Stanley Tieszen is convinced that many in the church may not have any idea what it looks like to be a warrior. While the true identity of a warrior might be to represent the affairs of the kingdom, believers have somehow been led to understand that the totality of this occurs within the church and during one hour of time, and have abandoned this belief as a result. Thankfully, it is never too late to fulfill the real work of the kingdom.
Former design builder, B. Stanley Tieszen chronicles his life and his engagement with the church and community while examining what the church has been and what it could potentially become. As he explores biblical truths and shares enlightening personal experiences, he leads believers on an introspective journey within to ask themselves serious questions about their godly progress, to identify their defining purpose as Christians, and to ultimately strengthen their faith to become passionate spiritual warriors.
Wake Dry Bones examines the defining purpose of Christianity while detailing a layman’s life, his views about the church, and ways believers can become better warriors for the kingdom.