Michele Anne O’Neail lives by Lake Ontario in Toronto, Canada with three very loveable dogs. Spending time with family and collecting beach glass along the shore are things that she treasures. The idea of writing in the Cozy style was inspired by a life-long love of fiction that leaves the reader feeling reassured about the abundance of good things in the world. She began work on "The Rescue Dog Mysteries" short stories after experiencing the joy and challenges of rescuing a tiny Maltese dog named Honey-Bea. Although the dog thrived under Michele’s care and eventually became a Therapy Dog, many things about her past remained unknown. The "Rescue Dog Mysteries" series follows a young woman whose friendship with an eccentric musician and his own rescue dog, leads her into unexpected circumstances. Set in the diverse neighborhoods of Canada’s largest city, and often focusing on Michele’s favorite place, the beach, the stories follow characters both human and animal, who will steal your heart. Michele’s short stories have been enjoyed by readers around the world and the reviews are overwhelmingly positive; "Anyone familiar with this Rescue Dog Mystery series will love this ongoing story with an evolving cast of characters that come back to life in more detail with every story. Along the way, new friends are introduced and each has a story within the story and each one has a mystery to unfold." "Very well written and good character development for a short story. A mystery suitable for all ages. A warm Christmas story." "This mystery creeps up on you and grows as the story pulls you into the plot with elements of survival, high finance, death and a certain piece of information hidden away. Another hit in this series and I can’t wait for the next one!"