The book was inspired by the range of humanoid animals which my late wife, Lin, designed, as part of the long list of soft-toy patterns which we used to sell. The stories are light hearted, and humerous in places, and the book is about the lives of Sir Regnault Badger, his two sons, Bastien, the younger one, who will inherit the manor and Basil (Boots) who lives the high-life in the Big City and their aunt Blanche, sister to Sir Regnault. There are several animals employed at the manor, namely Bobby Bunny, the gardener, Bessie Beaver the housekeeper and Silvia Shrew assistant to Bessie. The manor is attacked by Weasels because they want land to live on, encouraged by aunt Blanche and Basil (Boots) Badger who want the manor for themselves. The Weasels are repelled and Bastien Badger returns home, works with the Bunny family and defeats the Weasels who tried to storm the manor again, but by a different route. The Weasels don’t lose out completely as they offer assistance to Bastien. Some other animals are introduced to appear in further books, including Mitzi Mouse, a rose grower.