The impact of transformational leadership styles, management strategies, and communication for organizational effectiveness and employee performance within organizations cannot be overemphasized. Leadership as a concept has evolved over the years based on situations, practices, and change management approaches in organizations. The evolution of transformational leadership in organizations is imperative to examine in order to motivate and encourage others to collectively support and work to achieve organizational effectiveness or vision and mission. Leadership needs a paradigm shift to influence opportunities and challenges in organizations such as organizational behavior, motivation, communication, and management functions. Transformational Leadership Styles, Management Strategies, and Communication for Global Leaders aims to provide relevant theoretical, conceptual/procedural, and the latest empirical research findings frameworks that critically examine the areas of leadership, leadership styles, management studies, and communication for leaders globally. It is designed for multi-sectoral interests in business and educational organizations, chief executive officers, executive members, team leaders, industry leaders, human resource directors/personnel, leadership and management leaders, and practitioners.