Religion, a baseline of our life. It has it’s affects on us all, whether we accept it or not. It’s been here influencing since inception. It’s dictated our behaviors thur generation to generation. Religion will be the focus of our future thur our children, who look up to us and emulate our ways. This is why it is crucial for us to give them the fundamental truth about it. Our children are precious and wondrously scared, so recognizing religion has been cultivated to reflect distinct cultures in various images. Each image as individual as personalities and just as important. Messages, the series, is meant to be a blend of people, cultures and diversity of religions combined and restructed to comform in a tapesty befitting an euro centric society. These stories are meant to be enjoyable and informative. The first story is called "Zoë’s Version," which is about the effects of religion and it’s interpretation of it thur the lives of her family, church, place of worship and friends. The second story, "The Cab Stand" relates to Lewis’s quest to understand the value of childhood and it’s significance of a boy to his father figure thur communication in all forms. "Delta Dazing" The final story of the series is Lewis’s introduction to reality in not only the South but to Life’s anatomy in the world. Each cross section illustrates its uniqueness and personality regardless of categorization." This book’s objective is to present the several forms religion surfaces. Please, come and read with me.