Loss of Heaven, Pains of Hell tells the story of
One determined newspaper writer who
takes on the challenges of a local
Roman Catholic diocese and the parishioners and clergy
in it struggling with today’s difficult and even criminal realities.
It is a human tale that Catholics, non-Catholics, and non-
believers alike will find all-too familiar and
one which many headlines across the nation and around the
world reference all too often.
This is a book that deals less with drama and more with the
troubling reality of human weaknesses, temptations, and day-to-
day tragedies with which we are all too familiar,
The author’s greatest hope is that it will not only remind us of daily
challenges we may all face-directly or through our loved ones’
experiences-but will also offer us hope that, with determination
and courage we can have a role in righting the wrongs that have
been covered up for too many centuries
In the end, the characters encourage all of us to find the courage
to do the right thing, however many barriers, threats, and,
difficulties stand between us and justice.
All of these story lines will be familiar to readers who, hopefully,
will find in this novel the understanding, compassion, and
camaraderie we all need to overcome spiritual and truly human crises.