I want to thank you personally for purchasing my first book, The Life and Times of Young Bobby Steele, Volume one. I initially finished the manuscript in 2007 but as the book was also part of a bigger hip hop album project, it took me roughly five more years to mesh the project together. I’m now ecstatic to present Young Bobby Steele to the global community. Bobby’s story is a story about hip hop culture, philosophy, chess, and romance. It’s ultimately the first installment of an endless amount of material in my head that mirrors the joys, struggles, and motivations that have fueled my pursuit of...happiness...and perfection in all things. I hope that you enjoy the reading and keep in mind that Bobby and Joney are still in the lab creating more dialogue and music for your mind. Please be sure to check for the Polarity Album and Joney’s R!9HT #3RE on streaming platforms! Peace, Bobby Adams