This is the short fictional story of a disaster that started as a minor problem, a problem that no one ever saw coming. Yet, in the arrogation of humanity, this petty minor issue was allowed to grow into something so big, something so terrible that now it remains a smudge in the history of humankind, unlike any other smear we have seen. It is a story of how different lives in one part of the world foresaw the beginnings of the Pandemic-Where the Pandemic Started. As ordinary life is strange, the unknown is good in a dark world that keeps on taking. Life does not want you to get out of hand, after all. Life wants you; no, life needs you to continue existing because if you don’t, the world itself will collapse. And therein lies the question, have those that have suffered through learnt the lesson of their story? Or is it simply something that has been discarded as what they have to do and go through, cursing the gods or greater power as they are the ones that have made them go through all this? Whatever it may be, this story starts from a simple Fishmarket in Wuhan, China, where a worker pondered over his life and where the Pandemic begins but never ends.