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Coaching Early Childhood Professionals to Implement Equity-Focused Policies and Practices

Coaching Early Childhood Professionals to Implement Equity-Focused Policies and Practices Coaching Early Childhood Professionals to Implement Equity-Focused Policies and Practices

出版社:Brookes Publishing Company
語言:英文   規格:平裝 / 178頁 / 普通級/ 初版
$ 1977
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圖書介紹 - 資料來源:博客來   評分:
圖書名稱:Coaching Early Childhood Professionals to Implement Equity-Focused Policies and Practices


As early childhood learning environments grow more and more diverse, schools and programs must address inequitable practices and policies so that every child learns, belongs, and thrives. The practical solutions programs need are in this groundbreaking book, the first guide to coaching early childhood educators in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging (DEIAB) practices.

Expertly converting theory into concrete action steps, this book is a reader‐friendly, step‐by‐step guide to launching transformative DEIAB work--or expanding the work your program or school is already doing. You’ll discover how to coach early childhood educators in creating an equity‐focused classroom culture, providing them with guidance on instructional delivery, curriculum content, and teaching materials. You’ll learn how to advance multicultural education by implementing big‐picture changes to program policies, hiring practices, and marketing materials. Throughout the book, an illuminating case study traces the progress and setbacks of a sample program as they use an equity‐based lens to enhance their learning environments and teaching practices.

An essential professional development resource for school and program leaders and an ideal textbook for early education courses, this timely book will help you empower educators to ensure equity, access, and belonging for all children and families.

Learn How To:

  • Use the invaluable Anti‐Ism Scale to assess your program’s current status and monitor growth
  • Recognize your program’s "hidden curriculum"--biases embedded in policies, practices, and materials
  • Identify how the intersectionality of social identities influence each person’s experiences, both positively and negatively
  • Create an effective action plan to coach educators on a journey toward greater equality and inclusion
  • Put your DEIAB plan into action through book studies, Equity and Diversity Workgroups, and other team learning opportunities
  • Implement structural changes to support a multicultural curriculum, diverse staffing, and policies that uplift everyone
  • Overcome obstacles to DEIAB work, from communication blocks to staff and community resistance
  • Ensure continuous growth and improvement through ongoing assessment and reflection




Illinois State University; Normal. IL Dec. 2015 - Ed.D., Curriculum and Instruction
Dominican University; River Forest, IL May 2009 - MS. Ed., Early Childhood Education
University of Iowa; Iowa City, IA May 2006 - BA, Psychology

Illinois State Teaching License
Principal Endorsement
Early Childhood Professional Educator License

CSEdResearch.org Peoria, IL June 2021- Present

Director of Development and Education Research

STAR NET Regions I&III: Macomb, IL (Home Office) Aug. 2020- Present
Family Resource Specialist
- Connect and provide TA to families and teachers working with children with special needs, birth through age 8.
- Provide an extensive catalog of presentations to families and teachers focused on working with children with special needs.
- Manage STARNET Regions I&III Podcast

National Louis University: Chicago, IL Dec. 2020-Present
Field Coach

Illinois State University: Normal, IL Aug. 2020- Present
Adjunct Professor: Early Childhood Department
- Courses (UG): Clinical Observation; Math Methods (I)

University of Illinois (UIC): Chicago, IL Aug. 2020- Present
Adjunct Professor: Human Development and Learning Program
- Courses (UG): Health and Safety (ECE); Collaborative Relationships (ECE)

NWEA: June 2020- Present
Remote Seasonal Professional Learning Consultant
- Provide training to school districts on the NWEA assessment framework

Education Consultant (www.akreinking.com) Dec. 2007- Present
Professional Development Contractor
- Local, regional, national, and international professional development and curriculum design in pre-k through 12th grade.
- Develop training and virtual documents for various organizations.

Simulation Grant Consultant (ICCB) Feb. 2021-Present
- Assist 2-year faculty on the development of simulation scenarios utilizing Mursion technology.

Organizational Change Consultant (DEIA/Anti-Racist) Oct. 2020-Present
- Bright Futures Early Childhood (Illinois)
- Synod of the Sun - Presbyterian Church USA (Texas)
o Guiding staff (educators and home visitors) through an anti-racist, DEIA process for organizational change.

Tri-Lead EC Competency Modularization (Gateways) July 2020- Present
- Lead statewide faculty groups through the process of developing modules for early childhood competencies to be implemented in higher education courses and trainings.
- Lead writer: report for the Governors Early Childhood Office of Illinois

Illinois Professional Teaching Standards Leadership (ISBE) Aug. 2019- Present
- Lead a group of faculty members to redesign Illinois Teaching Standards to Illinois Professional Educator Competencies

Grant Reviewer: State and Federal Aug. 2017- Present
- Technology, Innovation, and Early Childhood focus

Early Childhood Curriculum Project Lead, Wee Lions Aug. 2018- May 2021
- Developing bilingual, early childhood curriculum for USA and China (International Academic Alliance)

Illinois Board of Higher Education (Contract) Mar. 2020- Sept. 2020
- Develop two trainings for higher education faculty members focused on Social Emotional Learning and Trauma Informed Practice

INCCRRA Trainor Competency Lead Mar. 2020- Dec. 2020

Education Consultant- SOS Children’s Villages of Illinois July 2020-Sept. 2020
- Developed a plan for a new education branch to support professional foster parents during remote learning.

Curriculum Developer- INCCRRA, Bloomington, IL May 2020-Jun. 2020
- Develop training curriculum for school age workers using Storyline and LMS.

Instructional Coach: Head Start, Peoria, IL July 2018- Mar. 2020
- Observe and provide coaching to early head start teachers.

Learning Specialist: Peoria Academy, Peoria, IL Jan. 2020- Mar. 2020
- Provide student service and special education guidance and intervention.

Competency Development: Technology Lead (Gateways) Feb. 2019-Dec. 2019
- Lead faculty fellows in assessment development and focused on developing a technology toolbox for Illinois early childhood faculty.

Lewis University: Romeoville, IL Jan. 2021-May 2021
Adjunct Early Childhood Faculty
- Courses (UG): Math, Science, and Social Studies Methods

University of Illinois (UIUC): Champaign Urbana, IL Aug. 2020- Dec. 2020
Adjunct Professor: Elementary Department
- Courses (UG): edTPA Preparation

Peoria Academy: Peoria, IL Mar. 2020- Jun 2020
Director of eLearning
- Plan, organize, lead, and oversee all eLearning activities for Peoria Academy, grades PreK-8th grade.

Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville: Edwardsville, IL Aug. 2016-July 2020
Tenure Track Assistant Professor- Early Childhood Education
- Focus on service, teaching (early childhood), and scholarship.
- Courses (UG & G): Early Childhood: Assessment; Math Methods; Family and Community Relationships; English Language Learners; Learner

Diversity; Language Development Special Education; Working with Students Living in Poverty; Trauma Informed Practice; Clinical Observation
Co-Program Lead- Virtual Professional Practice Lab
- Focus on workforce (education) development.

Monmouth College: Monmouth, IL Aug. 2015- Aug. 2016
Visiting Assistant Professor- Elementary Education
- Courses (UG): Science Methods; Math Methods; Geography and Community Content; Clinical Observations

Illinois State University; Normal, IL Aug. 2014-May 2015
Graduate Assistant

Children’s Home Association of Illinois; Peoria, IL Jul. 2014-Aug. 2015
Coordinator: Art of Parenting (Parenting Courses)

East Peoria School District; East Peoria, IL
Early Childhood- Special Education Teacher Aug. 2011- Jun. 2014

Shute Elementary School Leadership Experience Sept. 2013- Jan. 2014
East Chicago Lighthouse Charter School; East Chicago, IN Jul. 2009-Jun. 2011

Leadership Experience
Kindergarten (2009-2010); 2nd Grade (2010-2011) Teacher

Teach for America; Los Angeles, CA & Chicago, IL 2009-2014

Professional Development Designer and Leader

Carole Robertson Center for Learning; Chicago, IL Aug. 2007-Aug. 2009
Educational Lead Teacher: Head Start/ Preschool for All

Wema Centre; Mombasa, Kenya Aug. 2006-Dec. 2006

Art and English Teacher (1-year-old to 20 years old)

VOLUNTEER (service):
Peoria County Racial and Equity Commissioner July 2021-Present
Peoria PlayHouse Diversity Committee Member Oct. 2020-Present
Culturally Competency and Transracial Adoption Committee Sept. 2020- Present
State Transition Committee (Early Childhood) Sept. 2020- Present
Early Childhood Outcomes Committee (Early Childhood) Sept. 2020- Present
Bit Project (STEM and Education Consultant) Dec. 2020
Peoria Public School Board Member (elected) Jul. 2020- Jun. 2025
- 2020-Contiuous: LGBTQ History Committee
- 2020-2021: Parent Teacher Advisory Committee
State Leadership focused on Inclusion Jan. 2020- Present
Learning Vibes Podcast Jul. 2019-Present
Co-Host and Social Media/Marketing Lead
Sharing a Vision Conference (Statewide conference) Jan. 2018-Present
Co-Chair 2019 and 2021
Junior League of Peoria Member Aug. 2019-May 2021
- 2020-2021: Participant Coordinator
First Federated Church: Peoria, IL 2011-2020
Youth Volunteer, Member Volunteer
Illinois Division of Early Childhood Jun. 2016- Jun. 2020
Vice President (2016-2017); President Elect (2017-2018);
President (2018-2020)
Riverbend Head Start Sept. 2016- May 2020
Board Member- Curriculum Chair
Illinois State Board of Education Apr. 2016- May 2019
Early Childhood Program Reviewer

GRANTS James, S. (Principal), Reinking, A. (Co-Principal), Swanke, J. (Co-Principal), Perez, A. A. (Co-Principal), Sobczak, B. K. (Co-Principal), Andrews, A. M. (Co-Principal). (2020). Competitive Grant, "Metro East Community Schools Grant", US Dept. of Education Full-Service Community Schools Program (FSCS) CFDA # 84.215J, Federal, $2,090,706, Not Funded. "ARTIC Scale- Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care Tool: (2020). Funded-$8000 SIUE Research Equipment and Tools Program. Co-Directors: Dr. Anni Reinking, Dr. Jayme Swanke, and Dr. Bernadette Sobzcak, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Reinking, A.K. (2018). (Funded-$16,418). Competitive Grant, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville EUE Grant. Implementing Video Evaluations in Supervision: Co-PI Reinking, A.K. (2017). (Funded-$50,000). Competitive Grant, Robert R. McCormick Foundation Increasing Early Childhood Teacher implementation through Virtual Learning Environments: Principal Investigator Latoree, M. (PI) & Reinking, A.K. (Co-PI). (2017). Competitive Grant-NSF DRK12.
Building Executive Functioning through STEM in Early Childhood. $499,058.87, Not Funded. Reinking, A.K. (Principal) & Martin, B.M. (Co-PI). (2017). Competitive Grant-Spencer Grant. Girls and STEM- After School Program. $19,730.80, Not Funded.

Bouley, T. & Reinking, A.K. (Proposed Date Dec. 2021). The Language of Implicit
Bias: Microaggressions and Hidden Curriculum in Education. Rowman and Littlefield.

Reinking, A.K. & Bouley, T. (2021). The Economic and Opportunity Gap: A Toolkit for Educators Working with Students Living in Poverty. Rowman and Littlefield.

James, S., Reinking, A., & Swanke, J. (Publication Date 2021). Addressing trauma in rural areas. In B. Kramer & J. McKenzie (Eds.), Handbook of trauma-informed practices. Meyers Educational Press.

Reinking, A. (2021). Innovatively preparing the teacher workforce: Virtual learning environments. Current Issues in Education, 22(1), 1-9.

Reinking, A.K. (2020). Understanding and Addressing Behavior: From Screaming to Crying to Tantrums to Violence. In B. Evans-Santiago (Ed.) Mistakes We Have Made: Implications for Social Justice Educators. (Chapter 3). Myers Education Press: Stylus Publishing.

Reinking, A.K. & Evans-Santiago, B. (2020). Are You a Boy or a Girl? Student Identity. In B. Evans-Santiago (Ed.) Mistakes We Have Made: Implications for Social Justice Educators. (Chapter 6). Myers Education Press: Stylus Publishing.

Reinking, A.K. (2020). Revamping Curriculum from a ’Social Justice’ Lens. In B. Evans-Santiago (Ed.) Mistakes We Have Made: Implications for Social Justice Educators. (Chapter 10). Myers Education Press: Stylus Publishing.

Reinking, A.K. (2020). Engaging Marginalized Students in Online Courses: Engaging and Strategic. In Amy W. Thornburg Dixie F. Abernathy, and Rob J. Ceglie (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Developing Engaging Online Courses (chapter 2). IGI Global.

Reinking, A.K. (2019). Addressing the needs of refugee students in school environments: Pre and Post Arrival Considerations. New Waves, 22(1).

Reinking, A.K. (2019). Difficult Conversations: A Toolkit for Educators in Handling Real-Life Situations. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group: Lanham, MD.

Reinking, A.K. (2019, Apr. 16). Difficult conversations. [Blog]. ILAECTE.

Reinking, A.K. (2019). Not just black and white: A white mother’s story of raising a black son in multiracial America. Front Edge Publishing: Ann Arbor, MI.

Reinking, A. K. & Martin, B. (2019). 5 Stem Integration Ideas. New Teacher Advocate.

Reinking, A.K. (2018, Oct 15). Questions answered about virtual reality and early childhood teacher preparation. [Blog]. ILAECTE. Retrieved from https: //wordpress.wiu.edu/ilaecte/2018/10/15/questions-answered-about-virtual-reality-and-early-childhood-teacher-preparation-guest-blogger-dr-anni-reinking/

Reinking, A.K. & Martin, B. (2018). Strategies, research, and examples for elementary teachers to integrate STEM. K-12 STEM Education, 4(4), 413-419.

Reinking, A.K. & Martin, B. (2018). Training teachers in virtual environments. Paper published at TeachLive 2018 Conference. University of Central Florida.

Reinking, A.K. (2018). Improving early childhood teacher classroom instruction using the early childhood TeachLive scenario/avatars. Paper published at TeachLive 2018 Conference. University of Central Florida.

James, S., Reinking, A.K., & Martin, B. (2018). A long and winding road: Implementing virtual learning environments in multiple contexts. Paper published at TeachLive 2017 Conference. University of Central Florida.

Reinking, A.K. (2018, July 6). Developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) and play-based classrooms: How can administrators effectively support and evaluate early childhood teachers. [Blog]. Chicago Chapter of Illinois AEYC. Retrieved from https: //chicagochapterillinoisaeyc.blogspot.com/2018/07/developmentally-appropriate-practice.html?m=1

Reinking, A.K. (2018). How do teacher education courses discuss structurally, culturally, and linguistically diverse families? Understanding and Dismantling Privilege, 8(1).

Reinking, A. & Martin B. (2018). The gender gap in STEM fields: Theories, movements, and ideas to engage girls in STEM. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 7(2). (English and Spanish versions)

Martin, B. & Reinking, A. K. (2018). Key ideas to consider when implementing STEM. The Journal of the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 64(1).

Reinking, A.K. (2018). Substitute teaching: The unspoken narrative. Eastern Education Journal, 46(1), 29-50.

Reinking, A.K. (2017). Child development: Classrooms, Families, and Communities. Kendall Hunt Publishing: Dubuque, IA.

Reinking, A.K. (2017, Nov. 1). Using virtual reality to prepare teachers. [Blog] ILAECTE. Retrieved from https: //wordpress.wiu.edu/ilaecte/2017/11/01/using-virtual-reality-to-prepare-teachers-guest-blogger-dr-anni-reinking/

Reinking, A.K. (2017). Reactions and insights from first time users. Paper published at TeachLive 2017 Conference. University of Central Florida.

Reinking, A.K., Vetere, M. J. III, & Percell, J. C. (2017). Collaborating with theater, nature, and STEM: A multigenerational family event. New Waves Educational Research and Development, 20(1), 23-37.

Reinking, A.K. (2017, April 1). Multicultural education in early childhood: What? Why? How? [Blog]. ILAECTE. Retrieved from https: //wordpress.wiu.edu/ilaecte/2017/04/01/multicultural-education-in-early-childhood-what-why-how-guest-blogger-anni-reinking/

Reinking, A. (2017). Diversity mindsets: An investigation of Illinois early childhood teachers. Critical Issues in Teacher Education, XXVI, (23-31).

Reinking, A.K. (2017). Integrating multicultural curriculum through service learning projects. In Progress in Education, Vol. 47. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Reinking, A.K. (2016, Oct 3). Starting your math library. [Blog]. Illinois State University, Early Childhood Teacher Blog. Retrieved from
https: //eceteachertalk.wordpress.com/2016/10/04/starting-your-math-manipulative-library/

Reinking, A.K. (2015). Using Peer Mentoring to Implement Multicultural Education in Preschool Classrooms. In Mentoring: Perspectives, Strategies and Impacts on School Performance. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Reinking, A.K. (2015, March). Increasing accountability measures for early childhood teachers using evaluation models: Observation, feedback and self-assessment. Current Issues in Education, 18(1).

Reinking, A.K. (2014, Oct. 27). Cultivating responsibility in children. [Blog]. Illinois State University, Early Childhood Teacher Blog. Retrieved from https: //eceteachertalk.wordpress.com/2014/10/27/cultivating-responsibility-in-children/

Krummel, A. (2013, April). Multicultural teaching models to educate pre-service teachers: Reflections, service learning, and mentoring. Current Issues in Education,16(1).

Hamann, K. & Krummel, A. (2012, March). Collaborative Learning and Peer Teaching: Annotated bibliography. Hoenny center executive summary. Hoenny Center, St. Louis, MO.

Project Teachers’ Lounge May 17, 2021
STEM Educator Podcast: GoReact July 21, 2020
- Building The Best STEM Educators with Dr. Anni Reinking (https: //blog.goreact.com/2020/07/21/stem-educators-podcast/)
BackTalk: Successful Black Parenting Magazine 2019
- What I Learned Raising a Black Child (https: //podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/what-i-learned-from-raising-a-black-child/id1439847711?i=1000449577957)

Bradley University (Peoria, IL)
- OLLI: Poverty in Peoria: Book Club Evicted
- WOW: Creating Primary Documents during Covid, Investigating Secondary Documents

STAR NET Illinois (Mt. Vernon, IL)
- Social Stories: Addressing Challenging Behaviors
- Family Engagement: Effective Strategies
- Parents as Children’s First Teachers: Confidently Remote Learning
- Family Book Club: Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid (5-Part Series)

St. Clair ROE (Belleville, IL)
- Addressing Challenging Behavior: Restorative Practice (Administrator Academy)
- Trauma Informed Practice in School Buildings
- Paraprofessional Training Focused on Addressing Challenging Behavior and Trauma Informed Practice (3-part series)
- Engaging in Difficult Conversations: A Toolbox for Educators

Prairie du Roche, IL (School District)
- Trauma Informed Practice in the Classroom

PreK-Kindergarten ASCD Conference (Schaumburg, IL)
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Learning Through Play
- Working with Children and Families Living in Poverty

Dunlap School District (Dunlap, IL)
- Culturally Appropriate Practice in the Classroom
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Kindergarten

First Federated Church Preschool (Peoria, IL)
- Addressing Challenging Behaviors in the Preschool Classroom

LearnAway: 10Talk (Champaign, IL)
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice

Peoria Academy (Peoria, IL)
- Effectively Pivoting to eLearning

Cahokia School District (Cahokia, IL)
- Addressing Challenging Behaviors through a Trauma Informed Lens

Illinois Board of Higher Education (Grant Contract) (Illinois)
- Embedding Social Emotional Learning in Higher Education Courses
- Creating Trauma Informed Classrooms in Higher Education Courses

Child Care Resource and Referral Program (Peoria, IL)
- Practicing Addressing Challenging Behaviors in a Virtual Environment

National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME) (Virtual)
- Poverty and students: How the economy and opportunity gaps impact their lives

Crittenton Center (Peoria, IL)
- 2-Part Series: Addressing Challenging Behaviors through a Trauma Informed Lens

Illinois Association of Early Childhood Education (ILAEYC) (Virtual)
- Poverty and Students: Working Together and Effectively
- Trauma Informed Practice: 2-Part Series

Hawaii International Conference on Education (Honolulu, HI)
- Innovation in early childhood teacher programs: Engaging teachers in virtual learning to highly impact practice
- Prepping teacher candidates for difficult conversations in the field

Association of Teacher Educators (Atlanta, GA)
- Engaging pre-service and in-service teachers in growth mindsets focused on diverse learners
- It’s time to empower our students: Identifying and erasing microaggressions embedded in elementary classrooms

DEC Learning Deck (Webinar)
- Building essential toolkits for novice teachers

Pre-K and K Conference (Schaumburg, IL)
- Microaggressions: The Language of Implicit Bias
- Virtual Labs for Teacher Preparation

St. Clair ROE (Belleville, IL)
- Working with Students Living in Poverty

Illini School District (Chillicothe, IL)
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice
- Play-Based Instruction
- Working with Students Living in Poverty (PK-5; 6-12)

Riverbend Head Start (Alton, IL)
- Implicit Bias Training

Special Education-SIUE (Edwardsville, IL)
- Culturally Responsive Teaching

National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME) (Tucson, AZ)
- Not Just Black and White Book Talk
- LGBTQ Students and Inclusive Classroom Environments
- Teacher Preparation Programs and the Colonizer Mindset

Gateways and Illinois Board of Higher Education
- Technology and Competency Implementation in Higher Education

Pharmacy School- SIUE (Edwardsville, IL)
- Developing developmentally appropriate lessons for early elementary students

Association of Teacher Educators (Las Vegas, NV)
- Collaborating with theatre, nature, and STEM: A multigenerational family event (Michael J. Vetere III and Jay C. Percell)
- Virtual reality in teacher preparation: The how, they why, the impact

Illinois Action for Children (Chicago, IL)
- Behavior management in the early childhood classroom (4-part series)
- Classroom instruction in the early childhood classroom (4-part series)
- Coaches and mentors in early childhood classrooms (4-part series)

Higher Ed. Forum (Bloomington, IL)
- EVENING KEYNOTE: Early childhood and the virtual lab
- ILAECTE Panel: Current issues in the field

St. Clair ROE (Belleville, IL)
- DAP with elementary administrators (2-part series)
- Beyond kindergarten: DAP and play-based instruction in the kindergarten classroom (2-part series)

TeachLive (Orlando, FL)
- Training teaches in virtual environments: Collaboration of two undergraduate courses (Reinking, Martin)
- Improving early childhood teacher classroom instruction using the early childhood virtual environment
- University-wide implementation (James, Reinking, Martin)

First Federated Church Preschool (Peoria, IL)
- Classroom instruction and behavior management techniques in early childhood classrooms

Peoria Early Head Start (Peoria, IL)
- Trauma and compassion fatigue
- Increasing the play-based academics in early head start classrooms

Peoria ROE (Peoria, IL)
- Beyond kindergarten: DAP and play-based instruction (2-part series)
- Trauma and compassion fatigue
- Hands-on kindergarten classrooms (On-site training and Peoriapalooza conference)

FTTC Conference (UMSL, St. Louis, MO)
- Training teaches in virtual environments: Collaboration of two undergraduate courses (Reinking, Martin)

Growing Futures, IL AEYC (Peoria, IL)
- It’s time to empower our students: Identifying and erasing microaggressions embedded in elementary classrooms
- Engaging teachers in difficult conversations: Practice through virtual reality

DEC Conference (Orlando, FL)
- Preparing early childhood teachers in virtual learning environments

TED CEC Conference (Las Vegas, NV)
- Preparing early childhood teachers in virtual learning environments

ICEC Conference (Chicagoland Area)
- Preparing early childhood teachers in virtual learning environments

National Association of Multicultural Education (Memphis, TN)
- Teachers view of LGBTQ students and curriculum
- Microaggressions in early childhood and elementary classrooms

Pharmacy School- SIUE (Edwardsville, IL)
- Developing developmentally appropriate lessons for early elementary students

ATE Conference (Orlando, FL)
- Emerging Scholars: Multicultural education practices in early childhood classrooms: Implications for early childhood and elementary classrooms

FTTC Conference (UMSL, St. Louis, MO)
- Incorporating virtual learning into teacher preparation

CAERDA Conference (San Antonio, TX)
- How do teacher education courses discuss structurally, culturally, and linguistically diverse families? (Textbook analysis)

TeachLive Conference (Orlando, FL)
- Reactions and insights from first time users (virtual reality)

Sharing a Vision Conference (Peoria, IL)
- Turn "No" to "Go"
- Engaging in multicultural classroom practices
- Prepping teacher candidates for difficult conversations in the field

National Association for Multicultural Education (Salt Lake City, UT)
- Difficult conversations: Helping teachers learn strategies for difficult conversations with collaborative partners

IERC Conference (Chicagoland, IL)
- Training teaches in virtual environments: Collaboration of two undergraduate courses (Reinking, Martin)

IATE Conference (Peoria, IL)
- How does Social Media Impact Teacher Planning and Collaboration Building Knowledge-Sharing Communities (Poster)
- Prepping teacher candidates for difficult conversations in the field

IERC Conference (Chicagoland, IL)
- Strategies for partnership: Combining math methods and an early elementary classroom (Poster)

IATE (Normal, IL)
- Partnerships with math pre-service teachers and schools (Poster)

Immaculate Conception School (Monmouth, IL)
- Small group math instruction
- Family engagement

Preschools of First Federated Church (Peoria, IL)
- Creative curriculum overview: Methods for math and language and classroom management

National Association for the Education of Young Children (Orlando, FL)
- Investigating multicultural education through teacher evaluation approaches: Observation, feedback, and self-reflection (Poster)

Illinois State University (Normal, IL)
- Family engagement in elementary classrooms (New Teacher Conference)
- Multicultural education for preservice teachers: Reflection, mentoring, service-learning (Graduate Symposium Poster)

National Association for Multicultural Education (Tucson, AZ)
- Taking action again heteronormativity: What can we do as educators?

National Association for the Education of Young Children (Dallas, TX)
- Case Study: Viewing the life of one young Biracial boy growing up in Central Illinois and the evolution of his White family members’ experiences and perceptions of his environment (Poster)

Illinois State University (Normal, IL)
- Charter schools and Teacher For America (Guest Speaker)

East Peoria School District 86 (East Peoria, IL)
- MAP overview and application in the K-2 classroom

Illinois State University (Normal, IL)
- Classroom management and teacher language (Illinois Student Education Association)
- What’s the Difference? How are teachers teaching acceptance in early childhood classrooms? (Focus: LGBT and Biracial Students and Families) (Poster: Graduate Student Symposium)

Sharing a Vision (Springfield, IL)
- Making every minute count: Differentiation in urban schools

Train the Child (Peoria, IL)
- The changing family: What do families look like today?

CAERDA (San Francisco, CA)
- Teachers’ racial classification and perceptions of biracial (Poster)

National Association of the Education of Young Children (Atlanta, GA)
- Teachers’ racial classification and perceptions of biracial children (Poster)

National Summit on the Future of Teaching in America (Minneapolis, MN)
- Research panelist for cooperative learning/peer teaching

Illinois State University (Normal, IL)
- Social studies methods (Guest Speaker)

SDE Differentiated Conference (Chicago, IL)
- Making every minute count: Differentiation in urban schools

Lighthouse Academies (Washington, DC)
- Panelist: Art-Infused curriculum

Teach For America (Chicago, IL)
- Monthly professional development for early childhood novice teachers

Curriculum Development. Training. Data-Driven Instruction and Design.
Continuous Improvement Metrics. Adult Learning Theory. Backwards Design.
Technology Embedded Assessment. Exceptional Presentation Skills.
Communication (Verbal and Written). Collaboration. Organized.
Strong Interpersonal Skills.
MS Teams. Virtual Meeting Platforms. MS Office. GoogleSuite/Drive.


Bachelors in Early Childhood Education - May 2019
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville

MSED Diversity and Equity in Education - projected May 2022
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville

Trainings Provided
Implicit Bias (Co-Presented with Dr. Anni Reinking)
Actively Engaging in Diversity Curriculum in Early Childhood Environments (Co-presented with Dr. Anni Reinking)
Actively Engaging in Diversity Curriculum: Implicit Bias (Co-presented with Dr. Anni Reinking)

Professional Experience
Child Development Associate Coach, September 2020- June 2021
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
Provide hands-on coaching and professional development support for CDA apprentices, managed the online CDA courses, reported participants’ progress in monthly reports

Graduate Program Assistant August 2021-May 2021
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
Designed flyers, sent email communication, data input

Adjunct Instructor January 2020-May 2021
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
Field Supervision, Co-planned and taught a collaboration course

Teacher October 2019- January 2020
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville Head Start
Prepare and implement developmentally appropriate instruction. Individualize child learning. Screen and assess children for future instruction. Participate in home visits and parent-teacher conferences.

Camp Director May 2018- August 2020
DeLight Enrichment - East St. Louis, IL
Plan and oversee all staff and campers ages 2-12. Organize and conduct the open house, orientation, and tours with families. Schedule menus and staff, book outings, field trips, and learning engagement activities. Develop partnerships with local community leaders and procure funds and donations.

Youth Director May 2013- May 2021
Shining Light Missionary Baptist Church- East St. Louis, IL
Mentor, teach, and recruit new youth to participate in the youth ministry.

King’s K



  • ISBN:9781681256870
  • 規格:平裝 / 178頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國
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