Cheryl Gardarian grew up in Huntington Beach, California. Her love of writing started early and led to several of her poems being published in the National High School Poetry Anthology. However, she majored in the sciences and received a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene at the University of Southern California. A few years later, she obtained her Real Estate Broker license and opened her own office specializing in equestrian properties. Maintaining two careers, raising a son, and caring for a multitude of barnyard animals kept Cheryl busy for many years. Then her creative side beckoned, and Cheryl joined the Lagunita Writers Group. She teamed up with four of the members and their anthology, An Aspen Grove Christmas, was published in 2010. Released in September 2013 was the ladies’ next collaboration, The Art of Love. And available now, their final Aspen Grove anthology: ...And a Sixpence In Her Shoe. Cheryl’s own book, The Cookie Tree, was published by Whiskey Creek Press in March 2013. Cheryl currently divides her time between California, Utah, and New Mexico. Immersing herself in the different areas gives her the unique ability to accurately portray the nuances of each locale in her stories.