Marsha Briscoe lives in southeastern Kentucky with her life-long soul mate husband and three dogs. An award winning published poet and novelist, she has over the years taught a variety of college English courses including advanced composition, British literature, and world literature. Marsha has been a fiction editor since 2001. In addition to editing, Marsha has authored two published novels, both of which are deeply rooted in her background of teaching literature. A Still Point in Time, a PEARL Award Finalist, is a paranormal romance whose past life characters are loosely based on the historical Victorian poet/Pre-Raphaelite artist, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and his beloved model Elizabeth Siddal. A Family Matter, Marsha’s second novel, brings the rudiments of an ancient Greek myth into a 1990’s eastern Kentucky setting. Both books are available from Whiskey Creek Press. http: // The proud mother of three grown sons, Marsha enjoys in her spare time tennis, golf, and piano. To learn more about her novels and poems, visit Marsha’s author website at: http: //