QG combines love, morality, physics, the nature of God, and weapons in a science fiction tale where mathematics defines reality. Gordon Adams sees the probability wave equations that define the optional realities around him. While playing baseball at age 12, he learns how to choose the maths for a preferred reality. He drives home the winning run by selecting the maths for a double. At age 16, he can copy the maths for his own existence to any location on Earth. One Gordon, two Gordons, five or a million Gordons, it makes no difference. He is a one-man army. He hates the slaughter and waste caused by guns and uses his powers to steal weapons. Governments, terrorists, drug cartels, arms merchants, and gun owners despise him and want him dead. Millions more learn to love him. With Diane, the love of his life, Gordon strives to rid the world of the tyranny of weapons. Can he succeed?