Outrider was started by a disgraced United States President and operated successfully long after he had left office. Meet a man called M.R. Devlin, a member of Outrider, an ultra-secret United States intelligence-gathering group created by the late Richard M. Nixon while Vice-President under President Eisenhower. In over six decades of service to American Presidents, there has never been any official United State Government recognition for the dedicated patriots this intelligence organization put in harm’s way. Handpicked by members of Outrider from the United States Marine Corps during boot camp on Parris Island, a young and naive new Outrider recruit was plunged into the world of covert intelligence gathering. For decades, he operated in the shadows of the United States’ most troubling foreign embarrassments. What were the real reasons that President Jimmy Carter failed to rescue the American Embassy hostages in Tehran and why the rescue attempt failed? What did President GW Bush really know before the Iraq invasion? What actually happened to Saddam's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's)? Due to a series of brutal life-changing events, Devlin long ago lost his moral compass. He had left a trail of death and destruction in his path while he secretly amassed a fortune in the employ of one of modern history’s most notorious dictators, Saddam Hussein. Forced into retirement by another disgraced President, Devlin devoted his energies to the management of a global corporation whose origin dated back to funding from pre-World War II Nazi Germany. When Devlin believed that the United States was headed in the wrong direction, he revised an old plan once conceived for a CIA class training exercise to topple governments with minimal causalities. He was determined to use his skills, contacts, and knowledge as an intelligence operative, to effect regime change in the most unexpected country – the United States of America. How was Barry Soetoro elected President? What were President Soetoro's real plans for America? Over the decades, Devlin had used technology, economic manipulation, subterfuge, and what he considered an acceptable amount of collateral damage, in a long-term plan to alter the course of world governments. With the Athena Algorithm installed in technology platforms across the world, he waited patiently for the perfect opportunity. He launched the Phoenix Initiative against the most politically, socially and morally corrupt leadership in the history of the United States of America.