Amy Birks says it’s time to quit hustling. But some fear that if they stop hustling like Gary Vaynerchuk they’ll sabotage their hard-earned success. What if they could actually get better results by working less and having more fun?
The Hustle-Free Business dispels the myth that “hustle” is the only path to success. Amy Birks, The Strategy Ninja, has developed an indispensable 7-step process to help frustrated, overworked coaches generate the results they really want. No overtime required. If Amy Poehler and Harvey Keitel’s “The Wolf” from Pulp Fiction had a love child, Amy Birks would be it. Her block-busting, no-nonsense, take-action-now style of coaching pairs perfectly with her irreverent wit and unrestrained enthusiasm for helping her clients bring their epic missions to life today.
Not tomorrow, not someday. TODAY!