Catherin Cannon is an ordinary girl having an exceedingly ordinary life who has been barely afield than her small town. She is surrounded by other young adults hungry to discover the hidden secrets of their lives, and she is no exception. Fleeing the events surrounding a neighborhood murder, she sets out to discover the appropriate door to her identity. A humdrum position affords her a standard of living arrangement in which she is exposed to different sexual libidos unbeknown to her.
Catherin Cannon’s search for balance in her life is challenged by reason and passion. In her attempt to make all the right choices she experiences silence, turgid stirrings, quiescence, nothingness, peacefulness, taciturnity and bird doo. Her value system becomes augumented and challenged by her fascination of the opposite sex. Catherin Cannon becomes one happy little fool when she discovers The Play is the Thing. The whole world is a stage, and she has found a part.She vascillates between monotony and monogamy ultimately to find her star crossed lover. Consequences hang in the stars-the crime of passion. She discovers the race is not for the swift nor the battle to the strong. The horns of the dilemma is Mynette who she meets on the chorus line. Ultimately, this causes a breach in her relationship with her star crossed lover Connor Graves. Passion conceives but reason controls. Connor Graves is dealt a bad deck of cards. He is forced to surrender his sword at death’s door.