You may have read many books on women empowerment, diversity & inclusion and other concepts around women in leadership. This one is a departure from everything that is theoretical. This book draws on the stories of women, who have been able to successfully navigate their way through the corporate maze. The author shares learning from her personal experiences and that of the women she has closely observed, through her professional journey. This book is your practical guide to leverage your strengths, build network, negotiate your way to success and live up to your true potential.
Filled with tips and hacks to lay the foundation of your career and then progressively grow, to break-through the glass ceiling. This book will help you build your career, while creating a strong support system around you. It uncovers those untold secrets, that most women leaders must learn the hard way.
This book helps you to integrate your work and life to achieve much-desired success in both personal and professional life. It highlights the steps that all women can take to achieve success in all aspects of life. Not one at the cost of the other, but in a way that brings closer all aspects that are essential for happiness.
If you are feeling stuck and are looking for a key to ★ unlock your hidden potential ★ then this is a must read.