Struggling to implement change in your organization? Here’s a simple framework and 26 basic tools that will help...
"This book is essential to teach the next generation of HR professionals the ’art and science’ of Organizational Effectiveness. If you are an aspiring human capital leader this book is a must read!"
Traditional books on organizational effectiveness and change management are filled with theories on WHAT is required, but short on HOW to do it. This book is all about the HOW. How do you get a team aligned on a common strategy? Do you really need to go through the chaos of a restructuring exercise or just clarify decision-making authority? Do you know what levers to pull to sustain a change once you launch it? Is your change project well-managed to ensure it comes in on time and within budget? Does your culture support or detract from what you are trying to accomplish? Are leaders behaving in a way that will ensure success?
While other books address individual pieces of the change puzzle, MOSAIC: Simplifying the Art of Organizational Effectiveness and Change answers questions like these and offers an integrated, easy-to-use, practical framework with 26 simple tools to identify and resolve the most common internal obstacles that will limit organizational effectiveness and impact your organization’s ability to drive change.
For any leader eager to build a stronger, agile organization and for those who will help shape and deliver it, this book provides the blueprint.