More than a hundred Catholic schools have closed annually for the last six decades across the United States. Enrollment is now around a quarter of what it was at its peak in 1965. Based on the data, one may conclude that the end of Catholic schools is near.
Yet hundreds of Catholic schools are thriving with increasing enrollment, delighted parents, and students who are well formed and full of wonder. Many have waitlists of students eager to attend. What is their secret? What sets great Catholic schools apart from mediocre ones? The Catholic School Playbook by Michael Ortner and Kimberly Begg documents how these successful schools are bucking the trend by focusing on their rich Catholic heritage and cultivating strong communities of students, families, and educators. In seven concise and easy-to-read chapters exploring how these schools approach their mission, hiring, teachers, finances, and more, this book offers a practical gameplan for renewing Catholic education in America.