A Family Sagacontinues covering 200 years.
The exciting sequel to this captivating family saga, Secrets of the Carousel, takes us back to the peaceful and charming small town of Gristmill, Texas. This epic continuation of the series, which first started with Pink Bluebonnets, follows the journey of two determined sisters who stumble upon a long-hidden secret buried within their own barn. The revelation unravels a completely unexpected and shocking twist in their family’s history. Using amateur genealogy sleuthing, they track down their Texas ancestors and find murder, scandal, intrigue and romance. Then DNA discoveries lead to more secrets closer to home, not so far back in history. It turns out what they thought they knew about their ancestors was far from complete. The narrative effortlessly weaves together the ancient family secrets and Suzanna and Josef’s enthralling tale, intertwining their lives like the tendrils of a vine around Texas history. They flee turbulent Prague in 1842 and embark on a journey to the unknown world of Texas. Brace yourself for an enthralling journey as these two narratives seamlessly blend, unearthing ancient family secrets that have remained shrouded in secrecy for generations.