War is ugly no matter what form it takes. The killing of other people is sickening at best. Notwithstanding; a house divided by itself will not stand, a phrase coined by the president of the first American Civil War. This war was different in that there were no clear battle lines; the fighting was from house to house, neighbor against neighbor, as each of the two major political groups; namely the People’s Party and the Patrician, and were no longer able to compromise in any form or on any issue. When the Patrician gained control of the press and law enforcement, the People’s party was forced to resort to violence and thus attempted to eliminate any element that was Patrician. This resulted in the degree of bloodshed much greater than their previous Civil War as the People’s Party President demanded that anything that represented the Patrician to be executed. These bodies would be burned and not buried. The remaining population of just over 100 million was left with the task of rebuilding this nation now peacefully split into two parts both securing their borders.