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Hey, I’m Dylan Joseph. I am a soccer player that was frustrated with the coaches that I had that were not teaching me the techniques I knew I needed to develop into the star player that I had dreamed of becoming. I had coach after coach that made me only a little bit better. This statement is not to talk poorly about soccer coaches; it is just to point out that most coaches teach everything they know. However, nearly all of what they know is how to make the team play better together, but often forget (or don’t know) how to train each player on the team individually. After years and years of experimentation and a mentor showing me the right path, I finally learned many of the skills for the individual soccer player. Excitingly, I was able to transform seemingly overnight from a defensive center midfielder who only scored a couple of goals a season to a striker who normally gets two points per game. My dream had come true to be the most confident player on the pitch and the person others asked to be on their team.