Brian Angevine is an outdoorsman, a skier, a trout fisherman, a musician, a teacher, and a writer. He was raised in Denver and spent his youth exploring the Rocky Mountains and trout streams. Phillips University in Enid, Olklahoma provided a Bachelor of Music Education. His teaching career was spent in three small towns in Colorado for five years. He migrated to Kansas after completing a Master’s Degree at Wichita State University. He taught music, sold insurance, and was a church choir director. He finished a Ph. D. in Music Education at the University of Kansas, and changed careers to Gifted Education. Yearning to return to Colorado he bought a cabin west of Trinidad and spent many hours writing stories about the unique area, and an iconic Game Warden, along with fishing small trout streams. Six stories feature Randy Waters, game warden for the Trinidad district. Others highlight the landscape and Angevine’s life-long interest in the ecology of wild areas. An abiding interest in Native Americans and history led to other stories. A love affair with the Winter Olympics fueled a story and a long band composition. Another favorite subject is relationships between men and women.