The Skeletal Travelling Water
Episode Two
We searched through time, through the tunnel; Tired, hopeless, desperate.
We found secrets, under the ground, inside the prisons. We found monsters, both human and non-human.
The stress is too much, for both of us. My wife is changing, I can see it, I just don’t know what to do.
I need to keep looking, we need to find her. There are people willing to help, there is hope, but there’s a long way to go.
The Skeletal Travelling Water is a fantasy series that smashes forcefully through the barriers of genre.
Episode two, series one, in the ’Skeletal series’ smoothly transitions from a thrilling mystery to a dramatic and epic time travel story.
Journeying through factual and historical Earth, this fantasy and science fiction novel brings the monsters of horror into a dramatic and emotion story.