Pain is a poor coach, and the old adage "if it hurts, don’t do it" leaves a lot of questions: Why are you hurting? Should you keep going? Should you change your training entirely? Rock Solid Resilience teaches you how to build a resistance training program based on how you move, your stage of training, and what you’re capable of achieving--all so you can build the resilience to strength train for a lifetime.
A practical guide on how to train for longevity, Rock Solid Resilience equips you with knowledge about how injuries happen and what you can do to prevent them before they interrupt your training. You’ll learn to determine whether an injury can heal with rest, if adjustments can be made to safely keep going, or if you should consult a medical professional. A self-assessment will help you ascertain your body type’s strengths and weaknesses so you can manage your training workload with the proper difficulty level and progression. Overviews of basic movements--including squats, deadlifts, pushes, and pulls--are complemented with variations to make them safer and effective for your specific needs:- 6 variations on the squat with modification tips to protect your knees, back, and hips
- 10 variations on pressing and pulling movements that protect the shoulders, upper back, and chest
- 18 variations of core movements that allow you to build strength while progressing to other exercises
- 34 warm-up, level-up, and accessory exercises that provide progressions and regressions to elevate training and avoid plateaus