Graduation, a wedding, and a baby, oh my!Jason Donovan’s graduation party is at the Bell House. You’d think that after all of these years of preparation, Sylvie would be ready for this day. She’s not. Especially when her ex-husband shows up with his new girlfriend. As soon as Polly and her family are finished with that event, it’s time to prepare for Hayden and Cat’s wedding. It won’t be that easy. One day there are a few nerves and excitement and the next ... chaos. Extended family on both sides threaten to ruin the day. You won’t want to miss Lydia and Beryl’s take on a shower / bachelorette party. Those two women know how to have fun.Sal and Mark Ogden’s baby is due. She can hardly wait. That is, until her mother announces that she will be coming in from Boston to help. With only two days’ notice, Sal is in a panic. Her mother’s presence is far from comforting. Polly has too much going on to do anything but listen and commiserate.Those events only skim the surface of what Polly has in front of her. Sometimes it isn’t the big events that strip us down. When everyday life wears us out, we learn to look for hope in the little things, and in those who care for us through thick and thin.