In just seven words, what will you learn from Stories in the Stars? How to reincarnate into your own life.
Ancient myths are actually the vessels or arks of our ancestors sailing the seas of Time and containing, deep in their submarinal holds, precious messages about our innate holographic relationship to eternal astrological and alchemical cycles which drive each of us along our life's path.
Over thousands of years, these orally-transmitted wisdom teaching stories have been twisted and bastardised into fake histories in order to serve various and changing political imperatives. And they have been concertinaed, truncated and dumbed-down to satisfy the appetites of light entertainment through the shifting narratives, over time, of the mytho-industrial complex.
Annie Dieu-Le-Veut is a story archaeologist who digs up the originals of these epic tales that were drawn in the glittering night skies of the last Ice Age. She brushes them off and then breaks down their meanings in the simplest of terms, so that we can unlock the doors of our perception with their metaphorical keys.
Once we understand the substance of the messages our ancestors left for us thousands of years ago, we realise the value and meaning of human life and finally know what to do with it.